Correlation heatmaps

using gene expression data

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

cmap = sns.diverging_palette(230, 20, as_cmap=True)
ge = pd.read_csv('data/breast_cancer/77_cancer_proteomes_CPTAC_itraq.csv')
ge = ge.drop(['gene_symbol', 'gene_name'], axis=1)
ge = ge.set_index('RefSeq_accession_number')
ge = ge.dropna()
AO-A12D.01TCGA C8-A131.01TCGA AO-A12B.01TCGA BH-A18Q.02TCGA C8-A130.02TCGA C8-A138.03TCGA E2-A154.03TCGA C8-A12L.04TCGA A2-A0EX.04TCGA AO-A12D.05TCGA ... AO-A12B.34TCGA A2-A0SW.35TCGA AO-A0JL.35TCGA BH-A0BV.35TCGA A2-A0YM.36TCGA BH-A0C7.36TCGA A2-A0SX.36TCGA 263d3f-I.CPTAC blcdb9-I.CPTAC c4155b-C.CPTAC
NP_958782 1.096131 2.609943 -0.659828 0.195341 -0.494060 2.765081 0.862659 1.407570 1.185108 1.100688 ... -0.963904 -0.487772 -0.106680 -0.065838 0.655850 -0.552212 -0.398560 0.598585 -0.191285 0.566975
NP_958785 1.111370 2.650422 -0.648742 0.215413 -0.503899 2.779709 0.870186 1.407570 1.192612 1.100688 ... -0.938210 -0.487772 -0.106680 -0.055893 0.658143 -0.547749 -0.392601 0.606697 -0.183918 0.578702
NP_958786 1.111370 2.650422 -0.654285 0.215413 -0.500619 2.779709 0.870186 1.410312 1.188860 1.100688 ... -0.943919 -0.487772 -0.106680 -0.065838 0.655850 -0.552212 -0.392601 0.603993 -0.186022 0.576747
NP_000436 1.107561 2.646374 -0.632113 0.205377 -0.510459 2.797995 0.866423 1.407570 1.185108 1.100688 ... -0.935355 -0.487772 -0.106680 -0.055893 0.655850 -0.552212 -0.392601 0.603993 -0.186022 0.576747
NP_958781 1.115180 2.646374 -0.640428 0.215413 -0.503899 2.787023 0.870186 1.413053 1.200116 1.093358 ... -0.935355 -0.503853 -0.106680 -0.062523 0.651264 -0.556675 -0.395581 0.603993 -0.167079 0.576747
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
XP_003846524 2.654339 0.715535 0.160528 -8.716757 0.388225 1.496053 -3.694801 -0.870670 -0.743348 3.383894 ... 1.300058 -4.105941 -3.620036 -2.598691 -2.462510 -5.083982 -4.792895 0.641854 -2.257159 -0.720976
NP_443073 -0.119194 1.144610 -1.203037 1.700762 0.371826 -1.718572 0.873949 -0.851479 0.787411 1.617433 ... -1.377869 0.821200 1.494581 3.259359 -0.109983 -2.698723 -0.294287 0.420100 0.226521 -0.537262
NP_001004456 -2.024094 -0.166903 -3.071010 2.353112 -1.445222 0.197769 4.618518 1.914760 3.158587 -2.820708 ... -2.785351 1.203922 -0.269946 1.233740 1.894022 -1.556297 0.724603 0.847382 0.520142 0.948084
NP_997625 1.637123 1.059605 1.648810 0.422827 0.493181 -2.354914 0.636856 0.763303 2.948483 2.390718 ... 2.150828 -1.352917 -0.605897 0.849171 1.135068 -1.978013 -1.745163 -1.099726 -0.592251 -0.595894
NP_003270 -0.252537 2.193011 -2.813263 0.389373 2.369266 -0.354459 -0.488396 0.415124 2.025525 -0.662108 ... -2.885274 0.332346 0.741047 1.853693 2.325089 -3.999570 1.222131 -0.453395 -4.235684 -2.452576

7994 rows × 83 columns

pd.df.corr(): Compute pairwise correlation of columns. (doc)

scipy.stats.pearsonr(): Pearson correlation coefficient and p-value for testing non-correlation. [1] returns the pval for the corr. (doc)

np.eye(): Return a 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

pd.df.applymap(): Apply a function to a Dataframe elementwise. (doc)

  1. get the pairwise corr between columns
  2. get pairwise p-val of corr between columns, -np.eye() to set self corr p-vals to 0
  3. get the p-vals with significance for every cell of df
  4. get the annotation df by combining corr + p-val
corr_df = ge.corr()
pval = ge.corr(method=lambda x, y: pearsonr(x, y)[1]) - np.eye(*corr_df.shape)
p = pval.applymap(lambda x: ''.join(['*' for t in [.05, .01, .001] if x<=t]))
annot_df = corr_df.round(2).astype(str) + p
mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(corr_df.iloc[:20, :20], dtype=bool))

plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
sns.heatmap(corr_df.iloc[:20, :20], mask=mask,
        cmap=cmap, center=0, fmt='s',
        square=True, linewidths=0.5, 
        cbar_kws={"shrink": .3},
        vmin=-1, vmax=1)
# plt.savefig(fname='grouped_corr.jpg', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)

Can choose only a few columns to visualize:

target_genes = ['AO-A12D.01TCGA', 'C8-A131.01TCGA', 'AO-A12B.01TCGA', 
                'BH-A18Q.02TCGA', 'C8-A130.02TCGA', 'C8-A138.03TCGA', 
                'E2-A154.03TCGA', 'C8-A12L.04TCGA', 'A2-A0EX.04TCGA', 

smol_corr_df = corr_df.loc[target_genes, target_genes]
smol_annot_df = annot_df.loc[target_genes, target_genes]

mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(smol_corr_df, dtype=bool))

sns.heatmap(smol_corr_df, annot=smol_annot_df, mask=mask,
        cmap=cmap, center=0, fmt='s',
        square=True, linewidths=0.5, 
        cbar_kws={"shrink": .3},
        vmin=-1, vmax=1)
# plt.savefig(fname='grouped_corr.jpg', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)

The above can look too crowded and cluttered; so a filter for absolute corr value makes for a claner looking plot.

smol_corr_df = corr_df.loc[target_genes, target_genes]
smol_annot_df = annot_df.loc[target_genes, target_genes]

corr_th = 0.2
smol_corr_df_ = smol_corr_df[np.abs(smol_corr_df) >= corr_th]
smol_annot_df_ = smol_corr_df_.round(2).fillna('').astype(str)
mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(smol_corr_df_, dtype=bool))
sns.heatmap(smol_corr_df_, annot=smol_annot_df_, mask=mask,
        cmap=cmap, center=0, fmt='s',
        square=True, linewidths=0.5, 
        cbar_kws={"shrink": .3},
        vmin=-1, vmax=1)
# plt.savefig(fname='grouped_corr.jpg', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
Text(0.5, 15.0, '')


  1. How does pd implement the pair-wise correlation of columns?